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Retrieve Purchase Order Details

This API allows to retrieve from SAP all the details of one specific Purchase Order. #### Request URI
Path Parameter Type Mandatory Description
id String Y Purchase Order document number (Max lenght: 10)
#### Response Structure
Field Type Description Technical details
number String Purchase Order document number.
date Date Purchase Order creation date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
description String Purchase Order description.
type String Purchase Order type.
total Decimal Total value of the Purchase Order.
currency String Purchase Order currency.
externalId String Purchase Order external id.
id String Campari id of the user who created the Purchase Order.
email String Campari email of the user who created the Purchase Order.
id String Campari id of the user who requested the Purchase Order.
email String Campari email of the user who requested the Purchase Order.
code String Supplier code.
code String Shipping related code.
releaseIndicator String Flag indicating the purchase order has been released Possible values; blank, "X", "Y". If value is X or Y the purchase order is considered as released
lineItem (1..∞)
id String Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item.
externalId String External identifier of the item.
description String Description of the item.
code String Material code.
category String Item category.
deletionIndicator String Indicator that the whole line item has been deleted.
plant String Plant
storageLocation String Location of the storage.
unitOfMeasure String Measure unit for quantity.
quantity Decimal Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line.
netPrice Decimal Net price for the corresponding line.
total Decimal Total value of the item.
currency String Currency.
total Decimal Total value of the item in local currency.
currency String Local currency.
expectedDeliveryDate Date The expected delivery date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
lineItem/condition (0..∞)
type String Code of condition.
statistics String Indicates if a condition is for statistical purpose.
value Decimal Value of condition.
currency String Currency.
currencyISO String Currency in standard ISO.
pricingUnit String Pricing unit.
unit String Unit of measure.
unitISO String Unit of measure in standard ISO.
totalValue Decimal Total value.
purchaseOrders/lineItem/service (0..∞)
pckgNumber String Package Number.
id String Internal line number.
extLine String Line number.
outlLevel String Hierarchy level of group.
outlNumber String Outline level.
outlIndicator String Outline level indicator.
quantity Decimal Quantitiy.
unitOfMeasure String Measure unit for quantity.
unitOfMeasureIso String Measure unit for quantity [Iso code].
priceUnit Decimal Price unit.
grPrice Decimal Gross price.
fromLine String Lower limit.
toLine String Upper limit.
description String Description.
matlGroup String Material group.
netPrice Decimal Net price.
#### Response Example

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