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Retrieve Product Details
This API allows to recover the "card" of a finished product. Below is the information that can be accessed by the API:
- Ingredients
- Nutritional values,
- Allergens
- Carcinogens
- Diets
Request URI
Query Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
String | N | Finished product identifier |
String | N | European Article Number |
description |
String | N | Product description |
language |
String | N | Description language |
Query parameters must be used in specific combinations:
1) Use SKU only
2) Use SKU + EAN
3) Use description + language
Below a table with the available language codes:
Language | Identifier |
English |
E |
Italian |
I |
Portuguese |
P |
Russian |
R |
Spanish |
S |
French |
F |
Response Structure
Field | Type | Description | |
String | Product unique identifier | |
String | European Article Number | |
status |
String | Product status | |
lastRelease |
String | Last modification date | |
description |
String | Product description | |
type |
String | Product type | |
customsCode |
String | Customs code | |
productionCountry |
String | Production Country | |
brand |
String | Brand | |
subBrand |
String | Sub brand | |
commercialCategory |
String | Commercial category | |
alcoholDegreePerc |
String | Alcohol degree percentage | |
formatL |
String | Volume in L | |
ingredientList |
String | Ingredient list | |
nutritionalValuesPerML |
alcoholContentML |
String | Content of alcohol in ML | |
energyKcal |
String | Content of energy in Kcal | |
energyKJ |
String | Content of energy in KJ | |
totalFatG |
String | Content of total fat in G | |
saturatedFatG |
String | Content of saturated fat in G | |
transFatG |
String | Content of trans fat in G | |
monounsaturatedFatG |
String | Content of mofalseunsaturated fat in G | |
polyunsaturatedFatG |
String | Content of polyunsaturated fat in G | |
cholesteroltG |
String | Content of cholesterolt in G | |
sodiumG |
String | Content of sodium in G | |
potassiumG |
String | Content of potassium in G | |
totalCarbohydratesG |
String | Content of total carbohydrates in G | |
dietaryFibersG |
String | Content of dietary fibers in G | |
sugarsG |
String | Content of sugars in G | |
sugarAlcoholsG |
String | Content of sugar alcohols in G | |
starchG |
String | Content of starch in G | |
polyolsG |
String | Content of polyols in G | |
proteinG |
String | Content of protein in G | |
saltG |
String | Content of salt in G | |
vitaminAG |
String | Content of vitaminA in G | |
vitaminCG |
String | Content of vitaminC in G | |
calciumG |
String | Content of calcium in G | |
ironG |
String | Content of iron in G | |
allergens |
albumin |
String | Contains albumin | |
almonds |
String | Contains almonds | |
brazilNut |
String | Contains brazilNut | |
casein |
String | Contains casein | |
cashew |
String | Contains cashew | |
celery |
String | Contains celery | |
crustaceans |
String | Contains crustaceans | |
eggs |
String | Contains eggs | |
fish |
String | Contains fish | |
gluten |
String | Contains gluten | |
hazelnut |
String | Contains hazelnut | |
lactose |
String | Contains lactose | |
lupin |
String | Contains lupin | |
macadamiaNut |
String | Contains macadamia Nut | |
milk |
String | Contains milk | |
molluscs |
String | Contains molluscs | |
mustard |
String | Contains mustard | |
peanuts |
String | Contains peanuts | |
pecanNut |
String | Contains pecanNut | |
pistachioNut |
String | Contains pistachio Nut | |
queenslandNut |
String | Contains queensland Nut | |
sesameSeed |
String | Contains sesame Seed | |
soybeans |
String | Contains soybeans | |
sulphitesMgKgOrMgLSO |
String | Contains sulphites (>10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l SO2) | |
treeNuts |
String | Contains tree Nuts | |
walnut |
String | Contains walnut | |
presenceOf |
alcohol |
String | Contains alcohol | |
irradiation |
String | Contains irradiation | |
meat |
String | Contains meat | |
geneticallyModifiedOrganismGMO |
String | Contains genetically modified organism (GMO) | |
diets |
celiac |
String | Suitable for coeliac diets | |
celiacNote |
String | Notes on celiac diets | |
halAl |
String | Suitable for halAl diets | |
halAlNote |
String | Notes on halAl diets | |
kosher |
String | Suitable for kosher diets | |
kosherNote |
String | Notes on kosher diets | |
organic |
String | Suitable for organic diets | |
organicNote |
String | Notes on organic diets | |
vegan |
String | Suitable for vegan diets | |
veganNote |
String | Notes on vegan diets | |
vegetarian |
String | Suitable for vegetarian diets | |
vegetarianNote |
String | Notes on vegetarian diets | |
shelfLife |
shelfLifeUnlimited |
String | Unlimited shelf life | |
shelfLifeMonthReccomended |
String | Recommended number of shelf life months | |
shelfLifeMonth |
String | Shelf life in months |
Response Examples
1) Success scenarios:
HTTP Status code 200, data retrieved
HTTP Status code 200, data not retrieved
The API was successfully processed, but the source system has no information to retrieve for the parameter values set in input.
2) Error scenarios:
HTTP Status code 500, invalid input
The combination of parameters passed as input is not the one expected by the API. See the section on 'Query parameters' to find out what is the correct combination of parameters accepted as input by the API.
HTTP Status code 500, unavailable data
The combination of parameters used as input is correct, but the information requested by the source system could not be retrieved.- Previous: Retrieve access token
- Up: Product
- Next: Sales Order
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