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Customer Master Data

This section documents APIs for querying customer master data in Campari systems. In the table below, you can find a brief explanation of the customer master data APIs:

API Description
Retrieve access token This API allows to retrieve the temporary token used to call the other APIs.
Customers This API allows to retrieve the Customers list of one Sales Representative.
ABC Classification This API allows to retrieve the ABC Classification list.
Contract Status This API allows to retrieve the Contract Status list.
Global Segmentation This API allows to retrieve the Global Segmentation list.
Customer Id This API allows to update the Segment of a given Customer.

If these APIs fulfill your requirements, please register your application as explained [here](https://developer.mycampari.com/docs/read/getting_started/Authorize_API_calls) and subscribe it to _pln_customer-master-data_qas_ plan under the package _pkg_customer-master-data_ as shown below:

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