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Materials administration

Material APIs are used to administer Campari equipment. These APIs are REST services exploiting three methods to create, modify and retrieve an available material. ## 1. Create a material This API is used to add a new element to the materials list. #### Request URI
#### Request Structure
API field Type Mandatory Description
header/HEADDATA (1..1)
MATERIAL String N Material Number
IND_SECTOR String N Industry sector
MATL_TYPE String Y Material Type
BASIC_VIEW String N Basic Data View
SALES_VIEW String N Sales View
PURCHASE_VIEW String N Purchasing View
MRP_VIEW String N Material Requirements Planning (MRP) View
FORECAST_VIEW String N Forecasting View
WORK_SCHED_VIEW String N Work Scheduling View
PRT_VIEW String N Production Resources/Tools (PRT) View
STORAGE_VIEW String N Storage View
WAREHOUSE_VIEW String N Warehouse Management View
QUALITY_VIEW String N Quality Management View
ACCOUNT_VIEW String N Accounting View
COST_VIEW String N Costing View
INP_FLD_CHECK String N Response if Fields Are Inactive
MATERIAL_EXTERNAL String N Long Material Number for MATERIAL Field
MATERIAL_VERSION String N Version Number for MATERIAL Field
#### Request Example #### Response Structure
API field Type Mandatory Description
header/RETURN (0..1)
TYPE String N Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
ID String N Message class
NUMBER Int N Message Number
MESSAGE String N Message Text
LOG_NO String N Application log: log number
LOG_MSG_NO String N Application log: Internal message serial number
MESSAGE_V1 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V2 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V3 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V4 String N Message Variable
PARAMETER String N Parameter Name
ROW Int N Lines in parameter
FIELD String N Field in parameter
SYSTEM String N Logical system from which message originates
header/EXTENSIONIN (0..1)
STRUCTURE String N Structure name of BAPI table extension
VALUEPART1 String N Data part of BAPI extension parameter
VALUEPART2 String N Data part of BAPI extension parameter
VALUEPART3 String N Data part of BAPI extension parameter
VALUEPART4 String N Data part of BAPI extension parameter
UNIT String N Unit of Measure for Display
UNIT_ISO String N Unit of measure for display in ISO code
EAN_UPC String N International Article Number (EAN/UPC)
EAN_CAT String N Category of International Article Number (EAN)
DEL_FLAG String N Delete Data Record (in Repeat Tables)
LANGU String N Language Key
LANGU_ISO String N 2-Character SAP Language Code
MATL_DESC String N Material description
DEL_FLAG String N Delete Data Record (in Repeat Tables)
APPLOBJECT String N Texts: application object
TEXT_NAME String N Name
TEXT_ID String N Text ID
LANGU String N Language key
LANGU_ISO String N 2-Character SAP Language Code
FORMAT_COL String N Tag column
TEXT_LINE String N Text Line
DEL_FLAG String N Delete Data Record (in Repeat Tables)
header/PRTDATA (0..1)
PLANT String N Plant
CREATE_LOAD_RECS String N Indicator: Create load records for prod. resources/tools
CTRL_KEY String N Control key for management of production resources/tools
CTRL_KEY_NO_CHG String N Control key cannot be changed
GRP_KEY_1 String N Grouping key 1 for production resources/tools
GRP_KEY_2 String N Grouping key 2 for production resources/tools
PRT_USAGE String N Production resource/tool usage
STD_TEXT_KEY String N Standard text key for production resources/tools
REF_KEY_NO_CHG String N Reference Key Cannot be Changed
START_REF_DATE String N Reference date to start of production resource/tool usage
ST_REF_DATE_NO_CHG String N Start reference date cannot be changed
START_OFFSET String N Offset to start of production resource/tool usage
START_OFFSET_UNIT String N Offset unit for start of prod. resource/tool usage
START_OFFSET_UNIT_ISO String N Time Interval Unit for Determining Start of PRT Usage (ISO)
START_OFFSET_NO_CHG String N Offset to start cannot be changed
END_REF_DATE String N Reference date for end of production resource/tool usage
END_REF_DATE_NO_CHG String N End reference date cannot be changed
END_OFFSET String N Offset to finish of production resource/tool usage
END_OFFSET_UNIT String N Offset unit for end of production resource/tool usage
END_OFFSET_UNIT_ISO String N Time Interval Unit for Determining End of PRT Usage (ISO)
END_OFFSET_NO_CHG String N Offset to end cannot be changed
FORMULA_TOT_QTY String N Formula for calculating the total quantity of PRT
FORMULA_TOT_QTY_NO_CHG String N Formula for calculating the total quantity cannot be changed
FORMULA_TOT_USAGE String N Formula for calculating the total usage value of PRT
FORMULA_TOT_USAGE_NO_CHG String N Formula to calculate entire usage value cannot be changed
header/RETURNMESSAGES (0..1)
TYPE String N Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
ID String N Message class
NUMBER Int N Message Number
MESSAGE String N Message Text
LOG_NO String N Application log: log number
LOG_MSG_NO String N Application log: Internal message serial number
MESSAGE_V1 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V2 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V3 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V4 String N Message Variable
PARAMETER String N Parameter Name
ROW Int N Lines in parameter
FIELD String N Field in parameter
SYSTEM String N Logical system from which message originates
DEPCOUNTRY String N Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
DEPCOUNTRY_ISO String N Message code
TAX_TYPE_1 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_1 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_2 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_2 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_3 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_3 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_4 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_4 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_5 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_5 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_6 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_6 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_7 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_7 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_8 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_8 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_9 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_9 String N Tax classification material
TAX_IND String N Tax indicator for material (Purchasing)
header/UNITSOFMEASURE (0..1)
ALT_UNIT String N Alternative Unit of Measure for Stockkeeping Unit
ALT_UNIT_ISO String N Alternative unit of measure to stockkeeping unit in ISO code
NUMERATOR Decimal N Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure
DENOMINATR Decimal N Denominator for conversion to base units of measure
EAN_UPC String N International Article Number (EAN/UPC)
EAN_CAT String N Category of International Article Number (EAN)
LENGTH Decimal N Length
WIDTH Decimal N Width
HEIGHT Decimal N Height
UNIT_DIM String N Unit of Dimension for Length/Width/Height
UNIT_DIM_ISO String N Unit for length/breadth/height in ISO code
VOLUME String N Volume
VOLUMEUNIT String N Volume unit
VOLUMEUNIT_ISO String N Volume unit in ISO code
GROSS_WT Decimal N Gross weight
UNIT_OF_WT String N Weight Unit
UNIT_OF_WT_ISO String N Unit of weight in ISO code
DEL_FLAG String N Delete Data Record (in Repeat Tables)
SUB_UOM String N Lower-Level Unit of Measure in a Packing Hierarchy
SUB_UOM_ISO String N Lower-Level Unit of Measure in ISO Code
GTIN_VARIANT String N Global Trade Item Number Variant
NESTING_FACTOR Decimal N Remaining Volume after Nesting (in Percentage)
MAXIMUM_STACKING unsignedByte N Maximum Stacking Factor
CAPACITY_USAGE Decimal N Capacity Usage
EWM_CW_UOM_TYPE String N EWM-CW: Category of Unit of Measure
#### Response Example ## 2. Update a material This API is used to make changes to an existing material. #### Request URI
Parameter Type Mandatory Description
Path Parameter
id String Y Material's unique identifier
#### Request Structure
API field Type Mandatory Description
header/HEADDATA (1..1)
MATERIAL String N Material Number
IND_SECTOR String N Industry sector
MATL_TYPE String N Material Type
BASIC_VIEW String N Basic Data View
SALES_VIEW String N Sales View
PURCHASE_VIEW String N Purchasing View
MRP_VIEW String N Material Requirements Planning (MRP) View
FORECAST_VIEW String N Forecasting View
WORK_SCHED_VIEW String N Work Scheduling View
PRT_VIEW String N Production Resources/Tools (PRT) View
STORAGE_VIEW String N Storage View
WAREHOUSE_VIEW String N Warehouse Management View
QUALITY_VIEW String N Quality Management View
ACCOUNT_VIEW String N Accounting View
COST_VIEW String N Costing View
INP_FLD_CHECK String N Response if Fields Are Inactive
MATERIAL_EXTERNAL String N Long Material Number for MATERIAL Field
MATERIAL_VERSION String N Version Number for MATERIAL Field
#### Request Example #### Response Structure
API field Type Mandatory Description
header/RETURN (0..1)
TYPE String N Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
ID String N Message class
NUMBER Int N Message Number
MESSAGE String N Message Text
LOG_NO String N Application log: log number
LOG_MSG_NO String N Application log: Internal message serial number
MESSAGE_V1 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V2 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V3 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V4 String N Message Variable
PARAMETER String N Parameter Name
ROW Int N Lines in parameter
FIELD String N Field in parameter
SYSTEM String N Logical system from which message originates
header/EXTENSIONIN (0..1)
STRUCTURE String N Structure name of BAPI table extension
VALUEPART1 String N Data part of BAPI extension parameter
VALUEPART2 String N Data part of BAPI extension parameter
VALUEPART3 String N Data part of BAPI extension parameter
VALUEPART4 String N Data part of BAPI extension parameter
UNIT String N Unit of Measure for Display
UNIT_ISO String N Unit of measure for display in ISO code
EAN_UPC String N International Article Number (EAN/UPC)
EAN_CAT String N Category of International Article Number (EAN)
DEL_FLAG String N Delete Data Record (in Repeat Tables)
LANGU String N Language Key
LANGU_ISO String N 2-Character SAP Language Code
MATL_DESC String N Material description
DEL_FLAG String N Delete Data Record (in Repeat Tables)
APPLOBJECT String N Texts: application object
TEXT_NAME String N Name
TEXT_ID String N Text ID
LANGU String N Language key
LANGU_ISO String N 2-Character SAP Language Code
FORMAT_COL String N Tag column
TEXT_LINE String N Text Line
DEL_FLAG String N Delete Data Record (in Repeat Tables)
header/PRTDATA (0..1)
PLANT String N Plant
CREATE_LOAD_RECS String N Indicator: Create load records for prod. resources/tools
CTRL_KEY String N Control key for management of production resources/tools
CTRL_KEY_NO_CHG String N Control key cannot be changed
GRP_KEY_1 String N Grouping key 1 for production resources/tools
GRP_KEY_2 String N Grouping key 2 for production resources/tools
PRT_USAGE String N Production resource/tool usage
STD_TEXT_KEY String N Standard text key for production resources/tools
REF_KEY_NO_CHG String N Reference Key Cannot be Changed
START_REF_DATE String N Reference date to start of production resource/tool usage
ST_REF_DATE_NO_CHG String N Start reference date cannot be changed
START_OFFSET String N Offset to start of production resource/tool usage
START_OFFSET_UNIT String N Offset unit for start of prod. resource/tool usage
START_OFFSET_UNIT_ISO String N Time Interval Unit for Determining Start of PRT Usage (ISO)
START_OFFSET_NO_CHG String N Offset to start cannot be changed
END_REF_DATE String N Reference date for end of production resource/tool usage
END_REF_DATE_NO_CHG String N End reference date cannot be changed
END_OFFSET String N Offset to finish of production resource/tool usage
END_OFFSET_UNIT String N Offset unit for end of production resource/tool usage
END_OFFSET_UNIT_ISO String N Time Interval Unit for Determining End of PRT Usage (ISO)
END_OFFSET_NO_CHG String N Offset to end cannot be changed
FORMULA_TOT_QTY String N Formula for calculating the total quantity of PRT
FORMULA_TOT_QTY_NO_CHG String N Formula for calculating the total quantity cannot be changed
FORMULA_TOT_USAGE String N Formula for calculating the total usage value of PRT
FORMULA_TOT_USAGE_NO_CHG String N Formula to calculate entire usage value cannot be changed
header/RETURNMESSAGES (0..1)
TYPE String N Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
ID String N Message class
NUMBER Int N Message Number
MESSAGE String N Message Text
LOG_NO String N Application log: log number
LOG_MSG_NO String N Application log: Internal message serial number
MESSAGE_V1 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V2 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V3 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V4 String N Message Variable
PARAMETER String N Parameter Name
ROW Int N Lines in parameter
FIELD String N Field in parameter
SYSTEM String N Logical system from which message originates
DEPCOUNTRY String N Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
DEPCOUNTRY_ISO String N Message code
TAX_TYPE_1 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_1 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_2 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_2 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_3 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_3 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_4 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_4 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_5 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_5 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_6 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_6 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_7 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_7 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_8 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_8 String N Tax classification material
TAX_TYPE_9 String N Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...)
TAXCLASS_9 String N Tax classification material
TAX_IND String N Tax indicator for material (Purchasing)
header/UNITSOFMEASURE (0..1)
ALT_UNIT String N Alternative Unit of Measure for Stockkeeping Unit
ALT_UNIT_ISO String N Alternative unit of measure to stockkeeping unit in ISO code
NUMERATOR Decimal N Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure
DENOMINATR Decimal N Denominator for conversion to base units of measure
EAN_UPC String N International Article Number (EAN/UPC)
EAN_CAT String N Category of International Article Number (EAN)
LENGTH Decimal N Length
WIDTH Decimal N Width
HEIGHT Decimal N Height
UNIT_DIM String N Unit of Dimension for Length/Width/Height
UNIT_DIM_ISO String N Unit for length/breadth/height in ISO code
VOLUME String N Volume
VOLUMEUNIT String N Volume unit
VOLUMEUNIT_ISO String N Volume unit in ISO code
GROSS_WT Decimal N Gross weight
UNIT_OF_WT String N Weight Unit
UNIT_OF_WT_ISO String N Unit of weight in ISO code
DEL_FLAG String N Delete Data Record (in Repeat Tables)
SUB_UOM String N Lower-Level Unit of Measure in a Packing Hierarchy
SUB_UOM_ISO String N Lower-Level Unit of Measure in ISO Code
GTIN_VARIANT String N Global Trade Item Number Variant
NESTING_FACTOR Decimal N Remaining Volume after Nesting (in Percentage)
MAXIMUM_STACKING unsignedByte N Maximum Stacking Factor
CAPACITY_USAGE Decimal N Capacity Usage
EWM_CW_UOM_TYPE String N EWM-CW: Category of Unit of Measure
#### Response Example ## 3. Retrieve a material This API is used to fetch a material, using the unique identifier associated to it. #### Request URI
Parameter Type Mandatory Description
Query Parameter
PLANT String N Materials organizational units
VAUATIONAREA String N Organizational level at which materials are valuated. Can be "plant" or "company code".
Path Parameter
id String Y Material's unique identifier
#### Response Structure
API field Type Mandatory Description
PUR_GROUP String N Purchasing Group
ISSUE_UNIT String N Unit of issue
PRICE_CTRL String N Price control indicator
MOVING_PR String N Moving average price/periodic unit price
STD_PRICE Decimal N Standard price
PRICE_UNIT Decimal N Price Unit
CURRENCY Decimal N Currency Key
CURRENCY_ISO String N ISO code currency
MATL_DESC String N Material Description (Short Text)
OLD_MAT_NO String N Old material number
MATL_TYPE String N Material Type
IND_SECTOR String N Industry sector
DIVISION String N Division
MATL_GROUP String N Material Group
PROD_HIER String N Product hierarchy
BASIC_MATL String N Basic Material
STD_DESCR String N Industry Standard Description (such as ANSI or ISO)
LAB_DESIGN String N Laboratory/design office
PROD_MEMO String N Production/inspection memo
PAGEFORMAT String N Page Format of Production Memo
STOR_CONDS String N Storage conditions
TEMP_CONDS String N Temperature conditions indicator
BASE_UOM String N Base Unit of Measure
EAN_UPC String N International Article Number (EAN/UPC)
EAN_CAT String N Category of International Article Number (EAN)
SIZE_DIM String N Size/dimensions
GROSS_WT Decimal N Gross Weight
NET_WEIGHT Decimal N Net Weight
UNIT_OF_WT String N Weight Unit
VOLUME Decimal N Volume
VOLUMEUNIT String N Volume unit
LENGTH Decimal N Length
WIDTH Decimal N Width
HEIGHT Decimal N Height
UNIT_DIM String N Unit of Dimension for Length/Width/Height
MANU_MAT String N Manufacturer Part Number
MFR_NO String N Number of a Manufacturer
BASE_UOM_ISO String N Base unit of measure in ISO code
UNIT_OF_WT_ISO String N Unit of weight in ISO code
VOLUMEUNIT_ISO String N Volume unit in ISO code
UNIT_DIM_ISO String N Unit for length/breadth/height in ISO code
CREATED_ON String N Created on
CREATED_BY String N Name of Person who Created the Object
LAST_CHNGE String N Date of Last Change
CHANGED_BY String N Name of Person Who Changed Object
MATL_CAT String N Material Category
EMPTIESBOM String N Empties Bill of Material
BASIC_MATL_NEW String N Basic Material
header/RETURN (0..1)
TYPE String N Message type: S Success, E Error, W Warning, I Info, A Abort
CODE String N Message code
MESSAGE String N Message Text
LOG_NO String N Application log: log number
LOG_MSG_NO String N Application log: Internal message serial number
MESSAGE_V1 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V2 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V3 String N Message Variable
MESSAGE_V4 String N Message Variable
#### Response Example

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