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Retrieve documents by id

The latest version of this functionality can be found here. -------------------------- This api allows to retrieve a specific document. #### Request URI
Parameter Type Mandatory Description
Query Parameter
logisticOperator String Y Logistic Operator plant
documentType String N Type of document
Path Parameter
id String Y Document unique identifier
### 1. PurchaseOrder #### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
site String Y Value that identifies the site where the products will arrive Default value: "CP"
depositor String Y Depositor name Default value: "Campari"
asnNumber String Y Unique reference that identifies the order Max lenght: 10
documentReference String Y Another reference that identifies an order
asnType String Y Value that specifies the ASN type Default Value: "PurchaseOrder"
movementCode String Y Code that identifies the ASN type Default Value: "PO"
plannedReceptionDateTime DateTime Y Date and Time when the products are expected to arrive Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
supplierCode String Y Unique code that identifies the supplier Max lenght: 10
supplierName String Y Name of the supplier Max lenght: 35
header/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
header/lineItem (1..∞)
asnReferenceLine Integer Y Unique number for each different line E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2"
itemCode String Y Code that identifies an item Max lenght: 18
plant String Y Plant of logistics operator. Fixed value. This value can be agreed
storageLocation String Y Location of the storage. Example: "1001"
quantityOrdered Integer Y Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
unitOfMeasure String Y Measure unit for quantity. Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
stockNature String Y Status or Nature of the Product. Default value: "AV" (available).
manufactureDate Date N Manufacture date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
header/lineItem/lot (0..∞)
lotNumber String Y Number of the lot
header/descriptions (0..∞)
id String Y Description's identifier
description String Y It contains information about the document
#### Response Example ### 2. StockTransferOrder #### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
site String Y Value that identifies the site where the products will arrive Default value: "CP"
depositor String Y Depositor name Default value: "Campari"
asnNumber String Y Unique reference that identifies the order Max lenght: 10
documentReference String Y Another reference that identifies an order.
asnType String Y Value that specifies the ASN type Default Value: "StockTransferOrder"
movementCode String Y Code that identifies the asn type Default Value: "STO"
plannedReceptionDateTime DateTime Y Date and Time when the products are expected to arrive Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
supplierCode String Y Unique code that identifies the supplier Max lenght: 10
supplierName String Y Name of the supplier Max lenght: 35
header/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
header/lineItem (1..∞)
asnReferenceLine Integer Y Unique number for each different line E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2"
itemCode String Y Code that identifies an item Max lenght: 18
quantityOrdered Integer Y Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
unitOfMeasure String Y Measure unit for quantity Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
stockNature String Y Status or Nature of the Product. Default value: "AV" (available).
manufactureDate Date N Manufacture date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
header/lineItem/lot (0..∞)
lotNumber String Y Number of the lot
header/descriptions (0..∞)
id String Y Description's identifier
description String Y It contains information about the document
#### Response Example ### 3. ReturnOrder #### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
site String Y Value that identifies the site where the products will arrive Default value: "CP"
depositor String Y Depositor name Default value: "Campari"
asnNumber String Y Unique reference that identifies the order Max lenght: 10
documentReference String Y Another reference that identifies an order
asnType String Y Value that specifies the ASN type Default Value: "ReturnOrder"
movementCode String Y Code that identifies the asn type Default Value: "RO"
plannedReceptionDateTime DateTime Y Date and Time when the products are expected to arrive Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
supplierCode String Y Unique code that identifies the supplier Max lenght: 10
supplierName String Y Name of the supplier Max lenght: 35
header/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
header/lineItem (1..∞)
asnReferenceLine Integer Y Unique number for each different line E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2"
itemCode String Y Code that identifies an item Max lenght: 18
quantityOrdered Integer Y Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
unitOfMeasure String Y Measure unit for quantity. Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
stockNature String Y Status or Nature of the Product. Default value: "AV" (Available).
manufactureDate Date N Manufacture date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
header/lineItem/lot (0..∞)
lotNumber String Y Number of the lot
header/descriptions (0..∞)
id String Y Description's identifier
description String Y It contains information about the document
#### Response Example ### 4.SalesOrder #### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
site String Y Value that identifies the site where the products will arrive Default value: "CP"
depositor String Y Depositor name Default value: "Campari"
asnNumber String Y Unique reference that identifies the order Max lenght: 10
documentReference String Y Another reference that identifies an order
asnType String Y Value that specifies the ASN type Default Value: "SalesOrder"
movementCode String Y Code that identifies the asn type Default Value: "SO"
plannedReceptionDateTime DateTime Y Date and Time when the products are expected to arrive Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
supplierCode String Y Unique code that identifies the supplier Max lenght: 10
supplierName String Y Name of the supplier Max lenght: 35
header/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
header/lineItem (1..∞)
asnReferenceLine Integer Y Unique number for each different line E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2"
itemCode String Y Code that identifies an item Max lenght: 18
quantityOrdered Integer Y Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
unitOfMeasure String Y Measure unit for quantity. Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
stockNature String Y Status or Nature of the Product. Default value: "AV" (Available).
manufactureDate Date N Manufacture date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
header/lineItem/lot (0..∞)
lotNumber String Y Number of the lot
header/descriptions (0..∞)
id String Y Description's identifier
description String Y It contains information about the document
#### Response Example ### 5. SalesDelivery #### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
site String Y Identifies the site from where the products will be requested Default value: "CP"
depositor String Y Depositor name Default value: "Campari"
doNumber String Y A unique reference that identifies a delivery order Max lenght: 10
doId String Y Another identifier for a delivery order Max lenght: 10
orderCreationDate Date Y Date when DO is expected to be confirmed Format: YYYY-MM-DD
deliveryDateTime DateTime Y Date and time when DO is required to be shipped Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
doType String Y Value that specifies the DO type Default Value: "SalesDelivery"
movementCode String Y Code that identifies the DO type Default Value: "SD"
shipToCustomerCode String Y Code that identifies the final customer which will receive the materials specified in the delivery order detail Max lenght: 10
shipToCustomerName String Y Customer Name where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 40
shipToCustomerAddress String N Customer Address where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 60
shipToCustomerCity String N Customer City where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 40
shipToCustomerZipCode String N Customer Zip Code where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 10
shipToCustomerCountryCode String N Customer Country Code where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 3
requestedDateTime DateTime Y Requested date and time Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
header/lineItem (1..∞)
orderLineNumber String Y Unique number for each different line Max lenght: 6
itemCode String Y Code that identifies an item Max lenght: 18
plant String Y Plant of logistics operator. Fixed value. This value can be agreed
storageLocation String Y Location of the storage. Example: "1001"
quantity Integer Y Quantity requested for the corresponding line Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
unitOfMeasure String Y Measure unit for quantity Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
stockNature String Y Status or Nature of the Product. Default value: "AV" (Available).
header/descriptions (0..∞)
id String Y Description's identifier
description String Y It contains information about the document
#### Response Example ### 6. ReturnDelivery #### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
site String Y Identifies the site from where the products will be requested Default value: "CP"
depositor String Y Depositor name Default value: "Campari"
doNumber String Y A unique reference that identifies a

delivery order

Max lenght: 10
doId String Y Another identifier for a delivery order Max lenght: 10
orderCreationDate Date Y Date when DO is expected to be confirmed Format: YYYY-MM-DD
deliveryDateTime DateTime Y Date and time when DO is required to be shipped Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
doType String Y Value that specifies the DO type Default Value: "ReturnDelivery"
movementCode String Y Code that identifies the do type Default Value: "RD"
shipToCustomerCode String Y Code that identifies the final customer which will receive the materials specified in the delivery order detail Max lenght: 10
shipToCustomerName String Y Customer Name where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 40
shipToCustomerAddress String N Customer Address where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 60
shipToCustomerCity String N Customer City where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 40
shipToCustomerZipCode String N Customer Zip Code where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 10
shipToCustomerCountryCode String N Customer Country Code where the Shipment will be delivered Max lenght: 3
requestedDateTime DateTime Y Requested date and time Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
header/lineItem (1..∞)
orderLineNumber String Y Unique number for each different line Max lenght: 6
itemCode String Y Code that identifies an item Max lenght: 18
plant String Y Plant of logistics operator. Fixed value. This value can be agreed
storageLocation String Y Location of the storage. Example: "1001"
quantity Integer Y Quantity requested for the corresponding line Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
unitOfMeasure String Y Measure unit for quantity in delivery order. Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
stockNature String Y Status or Nature of the Product. Default value: "AV" (Available).
header/descriptions (0..∞)
id String Y Description's identifier
description String Y It contains information about the document
#### Response Example ### 7. TransferPosting #### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
documentNumber String Y Number of material document Max lenght: 10
documentYear String Y Document year Max lenght: 4
documentDate Date Y Document date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
postingDate Date Y Posting date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
creationDateTime DateTime Y Date and time when the document is created Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
documentReference String N Additional reference used, e.g., to keep trace of the PO number. Max lenght: 25
movementDescription String Y Description of the movement. Possible values: “Nationalization” or “PromotionalProduct”
header/lineItem (1..∞)
lineId Integer Y Unique number for each different line E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2"
itemCode String Y Code that identifies the item Max lenght: 18
itemCodeNew String N New code that identifies the item Max lenght: 18
quantity Integer Y Quantity in unit of entry Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
unitOfMeasure String Y Measure unit for quantity Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
stockNature String N Status or Nature of the Product. Possible values are: blank or “F” for unrestricted, “2” or “X” for quality inspection, "3” or “S” for blocked
storageLocationFrom String Y Storage location Max lenght: 4
storageLocationTo String N Receiving storage location Max lenght: 4
plantFrom String Y Plant Max lenght: 4
plantTo String N New plant Max lenght: 4
batch String Y Batch number Max lenght: 10
newBatch String N New batch number that replaces the original one Max lenght: 10
goodsRecipients String N Value that indicates who receive the delivered goods Max lenght: 12
manufactureDate Date N Date of manufacture Format: YYYY-MM-DD
expirationDate Date N Shelf Life Expiration or Best-Before Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
header/descriptions (0..∞)
id String Y Description's identifier
description String Y It contains information about the document
#### Response Example ### 8. Factura #### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
documentNumber String Y Factura’s ERP Identifier Max lenght: 10
header/document (1..∞)
fileName String Y File’s name
fileExtension String Y File’s extention Possible values; "XML" or "PDF"
fileContent String Y File’s content encoded in base64
#### Response Example ### 9. Boleta #### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
documentNumber String Y Boleta’s ERP Identifier Max lenght: 10
header/document (1..∞)
fileName String Y File’s name
fileExtension String Y File’s extention Possible values; "XML" or "PDF"
fileContent String Y File’s content encoded in base64
#### Response Example

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