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Goods receipt confirmations

This api is consumed by a logistics operator to notify to Campari that products are received to the warehouse. It is possible to confirm the entire or partial reception. #### Request URI

This API handles the following document types:
GRC use Request fields Description
1. return order asnType = ReturnOrder; movementCode = RO Goods are not available or not anymore requested
2. unrestricted use asnType = PurchaseOrder; movementCode = PO Goods value and quantity are updated on SAP
3. stock in transit asnType = StockTransferOrder; movementCode = STO Goods quantity are updated on SAP
## 1. GRC on _return order_ use case #### Request Structure
API field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
businessId String Y Business key of the transaction type Max lenght: 10
flow String Y Name of the business flow. Fixed value: "GoodReceiptConfirmation"
correlationId String Y Transactional identification for a specific flow. The value should be shared across all documents of a specific transaction.
companyType String Y Receiver operator typology. It is a value that represents the company. Therefore, it can be agreed. Default value for third party logistic operators: "3PL"
transactionCompany String Y Logistic Operator plant
transactionId String Y Identifier of the transaction. This has to be different on every transaction.
site String Y Name of the destination site Default value: "CP"
depositor String N Name of the deposit Default value: "Campari"
transactionTimeZone String Y Time zone used in Date/DateTime type fields E.g. "CST" or "UTC"
transactionDateTime DateTime Y Date time of the transaction Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
documentDate Date N Date of the document Format: YYYY-MM-DD
deliveryNote String N Note of the delivery If it is not needed can be ignored
billOfLading String N Bill of the lading
headerText String N Text of the header
asnNumber String Y Number of the ASN message. Max lenght: 10
asnType String Y Code to identify the ASN movement. Default value: "ReturnOrder"
asnCreationDate Date N Creation Date of ASN. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
documentReference String Y Number of the ASN message. Max lenght: 10
movementCode String Y Code to identify the ASN movement. Default value: "RO"
receptionDateTime DateTime N Reception Date and time Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
supplierCode String N Unique code that identifies the supplier Max lenght: 10
supplierName String N Name of the supplier Max lenght: 35
header/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem (1..∞)
lineId Integer Y Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20"
itemCode String Y Code of the line Item Max lenght: 18
plant String N Plant of logistics operator. Fixed value. This value can be agreed
storageLocation String N Location of the storage. Example: "1001"
movementType String N Type of movement. This value can be agreed Possible values: 101, 102, 107, 108, 109, 110
unitOfMeasure String N Measure unit for quantity Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
movementIndicator String N Indicator of the movement Default value: "B"
asnReferenceLine Integer Y This value is the line number inside the ASN
quantity Integer Y Confirmed quantity. It can represents the entire requested quantity or partial Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
manufactureDate Date N Manufacture Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
retentionDate Date N Retention Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
expirationDate Date N Shelf Life Expiration or Best-Before Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
reservationCode String N Value of the reservation Code
itemPrice Decimal N Price of the item
deliveryCompleted String N Indicates if the delivery should be considered closed Fixed value "X" if the delivery has to be closed
additional (0..∞)
key String Y Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String Y Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem/serial (0..∞)
serialNumber String N Value of the serial number
lineItem/serial/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information, related to the lineItem serial, to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem/lpn (0..∞)
lpnNumber String Y Number of the lpn
lineItem/lpn/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information, related to the lineItem lpm, to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem/lot (0..∞)
lotNumber String Y Number of the lot
lineItem/lot/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information, related to the lineItem lot, to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
#### Request Example

#### Response Table
Status Message Description
success In case of request processed successfully
error Error on internal Campari’s system - SAP In case of error while connecting to SAP
error Item not processed The following message refers to a general error during the processing
error Technical error The following message refers to a general error during the processing
error Goods issue has already been posted for delivery In case the goods have already been created on SAP
error AsnNumber field more than 10 characters In case the "asnNumber" field in the request is more than 10 characters
error Material "material number" does not exist In case the number of the material does not exist
error Batch "batch number" of material "material number" is already locked by "user ID” In case the batch of material has already been blocked by a user
error The plant data of the material "number of material" is locked by the user "user ID" In case the material data has been blocked by another user
error Field doId not exist In case the "doID" field in the request is missing
## 2. GRC on the _unrestricted_ use case #### Request Structure
API field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
businessId String Y Business key of the transaction type Max lenght: 10
flow String Y Name of the business flow. Possible value: "GoodReceiptConfirmation"
correlationId String Y Transactional identification for a specific flow. The value should be shared across all documents of a specific transaction.
companyType String Y Receiver operator typology. It is a value that represents the company. Therefore, it can be agreed. Default value for third party logistic operators: "3PL"
transactionCompany String Y Name of the sender company.It is a value that represents the company. Therefore, it can be agreed.
transactionId String Y Identifier of the transaction This has to be different on every transaction.
site String Y Name of the destination site Default value: "CP"
depositor String N Name of the deposit Default value: "Campari"
transactionTimeZone String Y Time Zone from data contained in fields E.g. "CST" or "UTC"
transactionDateTime DateTime Y Date time of the transaction Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
documentDate Date Y Date of the document Format: YYYY-MM-DD
deliveryNote String N Note of the delivery If it is not needed can be ignored
billOfLading String N Bill of the lading
headerText String N Text of the header
asnNumber String Y Number of the ASN message. Max lenght: 10
asnType String N Code to identify the ASN movement. Default value: "PurchaseOrder"
asnCreationDate Date N Creation Date of ASN. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
documentReference String Y Number of the ASN message.
movementCode String N Code to identify the ASN movement. Default value: "PO"
receptionDateTime DateTime Y Reception Date and time Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
supplierCode String N Unique code that identifies the supplier Max lenght: 10
supplierName String N Name of the supplier Max lenght: 35
header/additional (0..∞)
key String Y Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String Y Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem (1..∞)
lineId Integer Y Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item. E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20"
itemCode String Y Code of the line Item Max lenght: 18
plant String Y Fixed value. This value can be agreed.
storageLocation String Y Location of the storage Example: "1001"
movementType String N Type of movement. This value can be agreed. For this scenario (unrestricted use) value is: "101".
unitOfMeasure String Y Unit of measure Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
movementIndicator String Y Indicator of the movement Default value: "B"
asnReferenceLine Integer N This value is the line number inside the ASN
quantity Integer Y Confirmed quantity. It can represents the entire requested quantity or partial Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
manufactureDate Date Y Manufacture Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
retentionDate Date N Retention Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
expirationDate Date Y Shelf Life Expiration or Best-Before Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
reservationCode String N Value of the reservation Code
itemPrice Decimal N Price of the item
deliveryCompleted String N Indicates if the delivery should be considered closed Fixed value "X" if the delivery has to be closed
additional (0..∞)
key String Y Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String Y Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem/serial (0..∞)
serialNumber String N Value of the serial number
lineItem/serial/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information, related to the lineItem serial, to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem/lpn (0..∞)
lpnNumber String N Number of the lpn
lineItem/lpn/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information, related to the lineItem lpm, to be sent. An example could be “reference” Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem/lot (0..∞)
lotNumber String Y Number of the lot
lineItem/lot/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information, related to the lineItem lot, to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
#### Request Example

#### Response Structure
API field Type Description
ResponseType (0..∞)
status String Possible value are “success”, “error”
message String This field is provided in case of error status and represents a description of the error
#### Response Example #### Response Table:
Status Message Description
success In case of request processed successfully
error Error on internal Campari’s system - SAP In case of error while connecting to SAP
error Item not processed The following message refers to a general error during the processing
error Technical error The following message refers to a general error during the processing
error Goods issue has already been posted for delivery In case the goods have already been created on SAP
error AsnNumber field more than 10 characters In case the "asnNumber" field in the request is more than 10 characters
## 3. GRC _stock in transit_ use case #### Request Structure
API field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
businessId String Y Business key of the transaction type Max lenght: 10
flow String Y Name of the business flow. Possible value: "GoodReceiptConfirmation"
correlationId String Y Transactional identification for a specific flow. The value should be shared across all documents of a specific transaction.
companyType String Y Receiver operator typology.It is a value that represents the company. Therefore, it can be agreed. Default value for third party logistic operators: "3PL"
transactionCompany String Y Name of the sender company. It is a value that represents the company. Therefore, it can be agreed.
transactionId String Y Identifier of the transaction This has to be different on every transaction.
site String Y Name of the destination site Default value: "CP"
depositor String N Name of the deposit Default value: "Campari"
transactionTimeZone String Y Time Zone from data contained in fields E.g. "CST" or "UTC"
transactionDateTime DateTime Y Date time of the transaction Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
documentDate Date Y Date of the document Format: YYYY-MM-DD
deliveryNote String N Note of the delivery If it is not needed can be ignored
billOfLading String N Bill of the lading
headerText String N Text of the header
asnNumber String Y Number of the ASN message. Max lenght: 10
asnType String N Code to identify the ASN movement. Default value: "StockTransferOrder"
asnCreationDate Date N Creation Date of ASN. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
documentReference String Y Number of the ASN message.
movementCode String N Code to identify the ASN movement. Default value: "STO"
receptionDateTime DateTime Y Reception Date and time Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
supplierCode String N Unique code that identifies the supplier Max lenght: 10
supplierName String N Name of the supplier Max lenght: 35
header/additional (0..∞)
key String Y Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String Y Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem (1..∞)
lineId Integer Y Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item. E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20"
itemCode String Y Code of the line Item Max lenght: 18
plant String Y Fixed value. This value can be agreed.
storageLocation String Y Location of the storage Example: "1001"
movementType String Y Type of movement. This value can be agreed. For this scenario default value is: "109".
unitOfMeasure String Y Unit of measure Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
movementIndicator String Y Indicator of the movement Default value: "B"
asnReferenceLine Integer N This value is the line number inside the ASN
quantity Integer Y Confirmed quantity. It can represents the entire requested quantity or partial Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
manufactureDate Date Y Manufacture Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
retentionDate Date N Retention Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
expirationDate Date Y Expiration Date Format YYYY-MM-DD
reservationCode String N Value of the reservation Code
itemPrice Decimal N Price of the item
deliveryCompleted String N Indicates if the delivery should be considered closed Fixed value "X" if the delivery has to be closed
additional (0..∞)
key String Y Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String Y Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem/serial (0..∞)
serialNumber String N Value of the serial number
lineItem/serial/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information, related to the lineItem serial, to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem/lpn (0..∞)
lpnNumber String Y Number of the lpn
lineItem/lpn/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information, related to the lineItem lpm, to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
lineItem/lot (0..∞)
lotNumber String Y Number of the lot
lineItem/lot/additional (0..∞)
key String N Represents the name of the additional information, related to the lineItem lot, to be sent. Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01"
value String N Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key
#### Request Example

#### Response Structure
API field Type Description
ResponseType (0..∞)
status String Possible value are “success”, “error”
message String This field is provided in case of error status and represents a description of the error
#### Response Example

#### Response Table:
Status Message Description
success In case of request processed successfully
error Error on internal Campari’s system - SAP In case of error while connecting to SAP
error Item not processed The following message refers to a general error during the processing
error Technical error The following message refers to a general error during the processing
error Goods issue has already been posted for delivery In case the goods have already been created on SAP
error AsnNumber field more than 10 characters In case the "asnNumber" field in the request is more than 10 characters

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