• Register


This API allows to retrieve the Customers list of one Sales Representative. #### Request URI
Query Parameter Type Mandatory Description
salesRepID String Y Sales Representative ID
#### Response Structure
Field Type Description
salesRepID String Sales Representative ID
salesRep String Sales Representative Name
companyName String Company Name
name String Name
additionalName String Additional name
additionalName 2 String Additional name 2
additionalName 3 String Additional name 3
customerID String Customer ID
deliveryAddress String Delivery Address
ABCClassification String ABC Classification
outletType String Outlet Type
segment String Segment
contractStatus String Contract Status
nextVisitDay String Next Visit Day
lastVisitingDate String Last visiting date
creationOn String Creation date
changedOn String Last change date
customers/address [0..*]
currentDefaultAddressUUID String Current default address UUID
countryCode String Country code
countryCodeText String Country code description
stateCode String State code
stateCodeText String State code description
careOfName String Care of name
addressLine1 String Address 1
addressLine2 String Address 2
houseNumber String House number
additionalHouseNumber String Additional house number
street String Street
addressLine4 String Address 4
addressLine5 String Address 5
district String District
city String City
differentCity String Different City
streetPostalCode String Street postal code
companyPostalCode String Company postal code
#### Response Example

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