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Transfer Posting

This api is consumed by a logistics operator to notify to Campari a change in storage Location. You can use this API to post in Campari ERP system any stock transfer within the warehouse (e.g. stock in quality status). #### Request URI

#### Request Structure
API field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
transactionCompany String Y Logistic Operator plant
transactionId String Y Identifier of the transaction. This has to be different on every transaction.
transactionDateTime DateTime Y Date time of the transaction Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
transactionTimeZone String Y Time zone used in Date/DateTime type fields E.g. "CST" or "UTC"
correlationId String Y Transactional identification for a specific flow. The value should be shared across all documents of a specific transaction.
companyType String Y Receiver operator typology. It is a value that represents the company. Therefore, it can be agreed. Default value for third party logistic operators: "3PL"
documentDate Date Y Date of the document Format: YYYY-MM-DD
documentReference String N Document Identifier Max lenght: 25
flow String Y Name of the business flow. Possible value: "TransferPosting"
movementDescription String N Description of the movement. Possible values: “Nationalization” or “PromotionalProduct”
lineItem (1..∞)
lineId Integer Y Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2"
movementType String N Type of movement. This value can be agreed Default value for storage location change: "311"
itemCode String Y Code of the line Item Max lenght: 18
quantity Integer Y Confirmed quantity. It can represents the entire requested quantity or partial Value reported in "unitOfMeasure"
unitOfMeasure String Y Measure unit for quantity Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles)
itemCodeNew String Y New code that identifies the item Max lenght: 18
storageLocationFrom String Y Storage location Max lenght: 4
storageLocationTo String Y Receiving storage location Max lenght: 4
plantFrom String Y Plant Max lenght: 4
plantTo String Y New plant Max lenght: 4
batch String N Batch number Max lenght: 10
newBatch String N New batch number that replaces the original one Max lenght: 10
vendorCode String N Vendor Code
#### Request Example

#### Response Structure
API field Type Description Technical Details
ResponseType (0..∞)
status String Status of the processed request Possible value: "success" or "error"
message String This field is provided in case of error status and represents a description of the error
#### Response Example

#### Response Table:
Status Message Description
success In case of request processed successfully
error Error on internal Campari’s system - SAP In case of error while connecting to SAP
error Item not processed The following message refers to a general error during the processing
error Technical error The following message refers to a general error during the processing

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