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Retrieve Purchase Orders list

This API allows to retrieve from SAP the list of Purchase Orders items that match some specified criteria. #### Request URI
Query Parameter Type Mandatory Description Technical details
deliveryCompleted String Y Parameter Indicating wheter Goods Receipt Confirmation has already been created. true/false
expectedDeliveryDate String Y The expected delivery date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
threshold (*) Double N The maximum value expressed in "currency". For example 5000.0
currency (*) String N The currency related to the threshold. For example EUR
orderType String [Array] Y The type of the items POs to be retrieved. Possible values Z510, Z200, Z600, Z800
companyCode String Y Legal entity information. For example IT10
(\*) Functionality not yet implemented. #### Response Structure
Field Type Description Technical details
purchaseOrders (0..∞)
number String Purchase Order document number.
type String Purchase Order type.
id String Campari id of the user who created the Purchase Order.
email String Campari email of the user who created the Purchase Order.
id String Campari id of the user who requested the Purchase Order.
email String Campari email of the user who requested the Purchase Order.
code String Shipping related code.
purchaseOrders/lineItem (1..∞)
id String Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item.
description String Description of the item.
total Decimal Total Price per Unit.
currency String Currency.
total Decimal Total value of the item in local currency.
currency String Local currency.
expectedDeliveryDate Date The expected delivery date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
#### Response Example

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