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Bill of Materials

### 1. Retrieve BOM This api allows to retrieve a Bill of Material by its id. #### Request URI
Parameter Type Mandatory Description
Path Parameter
id String Y Material's unique identifier
Query Parameter
plant String Y Plant code
alternative String Y BOM alternative
bomUsage String N Default = 1
#### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description
quantityBaseUOMDecimalYBase quantity
baseUOMStringYBase Unit of Measure for BOM
bomStatusStringYBill of Material Status
alternativeTextStringYAlternative BOM Text
deletionIndicatorStringYDeletion flag for BOMs
bomTextStringYBOM Description
bomGroupStringYBOM group
bomNumberStringYBill of Material
validToDateYValid to date
chgNumberToStringYChange Number To
createdOnDateYCreation date of the record
createdByStringYUser who created record
changedOnDateYChange date
changedByStringYName of person who changed object
validFromDateYValid-From Date
chgNumberStringYChange Number
header/lineItem (1..∞)
itemCategoryStringYItem category (bill of material)
lineIdIntegerYBOM Item Number
itemCodeStringYBOM component
quantityDecimalYComponent quantity
unitOfMeasureStringYComponent Unit of Measure
fixedQuantityDecimalYFixed Quantity
itemText1StringYBOM Item Text (Line 1)
itemText2StringYBOM Item Text (Line 2)
sortStringStringYSort String
relProdStringYIndicator: item relevant to production
sparePartStringYIndicator: Spare Part
bulkMatStringYIndicator: bulk material
compScrapStringYComponent scrap in percent
opScrapStringYOperation scrap
spProcTypeStringYSpecial Procurement Type for BOM Item
supplyAreaStringYProduction Supply Area
issueLocStringYIssue Location for Production Order
leadTimeStringYFollow-up time
coProductStringYIndicator: co-product
disconGrpStringYDiscontinuation group
followGrpStringYFollow-up group
validFromDateYValid-From Date
changeNumberStringYChange Number
bomNumberStringYBill of Material
itemNodeStringYBOM item node number
itemCountStringYInternal counter
validToDateYValid to date
chgNumberToStringYChange Number To
createdOnDateYCreation date of the record
createdByStringYUser who created record
changedOnDateYChange date
changedByStringYName of person who changed object
bomAlternativeStringYAlternative BOM
deletionIndicatorStringYDeletion Indicator
segmentRelevantStringYSegmentation Maintained for BOM Components
#### Response Example

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