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Sales Historical Data

This API is used to download sales historical data from EZFocus. #### Request URI
Query Parameter Type Mandatory Description
date String Y Defines the period from which to extract Ezfocus data
province String N Defines the province from which to extract Ezfocus data. If given, it collect sales data for that province, otherwise all provinces are considered
The API can be queried in 2 ways: 1) Full mode: allows you to download files for all provinces, from the date indicated:
2) Single province mode: allows you to download the file for a specific province, from the date indicated:
The date parameter should be sent in the format "yyyyppw" where: - yyyy: is the fiscal year - pp: is the period. Each province has it’s own period definition, and does not adhere to the same model. EZFocus team should be conctacted to check the interested period. - w: is the week number inside the period Below a table with the available province codes:
Province Identifier
Alberta AB
British Columbia BC
Manitoba MB
New Brunswick NB
Newfoundland and Labrador NF
Nova Scotia NS
Ontario ON
Prince Edward Island PE
Quebec QC
Saskatchewan SK
#### Response Structure
Field Type Description
key String In case of error, this field provides a description of the error. Otherwise it notifies the request acceptance.
#### Response Example

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