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Retrieve Documents by ID
This api allows to retrieve a specific document.
Request URI
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
Query Parameter | |||
logisticOperator |
String | Y | Logistic Operator code |
documentType |
String | Y | Type of document |
Path Parameter | |||
id |
String | Y | Document unique identifier |
Previous versions of this functionality can be found here.
1. PurchaseOrder - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
site |
String | Y | Value that identifies the site where the products will arrive | Default value: "CP" |
depositor |
String | Y | Depositor name | Default value: "Campari" |
asnNumber |
String | Y | Unique reference that identifies the order | Max lenght: 10 |
documentReference |
String | Y | Another reference that identifies an order | |
asnType |
String | Y | Value that specifies the ASN type | Default Value: "PurchaseOrder" |
movementCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the ASN type | Default Value: "PO" |
plannedReceptionDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Date and Time when the products are expected to arrive | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
supplierCode |
String | Y | Unique code that identifies the supplier | Max lenght: 10 |
supplierName |
String | Y | Name of the supplier | Max lenght: 35 |
header/additional (0..∞) |
key |
String | N | Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. | Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01" |
value |
String | N | Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key | |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
lineId |
Integer | Y | Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item | E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20" |
asnReferenceLine |
Integer | Y | Unique number for each different line | E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2" |
itemCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 18 |
itemCategory |
String | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 1 |
deletionIndicator |
String | Y | Indicator that the whole line item has been deleted | Possible values: blank - item not deleted; "L" - item deleted |
plant |
String | Y | Plant of logistics operator. | Fixed value. This value can be agreed |
storageLocation |
String | Y | Location of the storage. | Example: "1001" |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Measure unit for quantity. | Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles) |
quantityOrdered |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
baseUOM |
String | Y | Base unit of measure. | Example: "BOT" (bottles) |
quantityBaseUOM |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "baseUOM" |
stockNature |
String | Y | Status or Nature of the Product. | Default value: "AV" (available). |
manufactureDate |
Date | N | Manufacture date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
header/lineItem/condition (0..∞) |
conditionType |
String | Y | Code of condition | |
statisticsCondition |
String | Y | Indicates if a condition is for statistical purpose | Possible value: "X" = statistical condition; blank = non-statistical condition |
conditionValue |
String | Y | Value of condition | |
currency |
String | Y | Currency | |
currencyISO |
String | Y | Currency in standard ISO | |
conditionPricingUnit |
String | Y | Pricing unit | |
conditionUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure | |
conditionUnitISO |
String | Y | Unit of measure in standard ISO | |
totalValue |
String | Y | Total value | |
header/lineItem/components(0..∞) |
lineId |
integer | Y | Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item | E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20" |
itemCode |
integer | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 18 |
quantity |
integer | Y | Quantity requested for the corresponding line | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
unitOfMeasure |
integer | Y | Measure unit for quantity | |
header/lineItem/lot (0..∞) |
lotNumber |
String | Y | Number of the lot | |
header/descriptions (0..∞) |
id |
String | Y | Description's identifier | |
description |
String | Y | It contains information about the document |
Response Example
2. StockTransferOrder - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
site |
String | Y | Value that identifies the site where the products will arrive | Default value: "CP" |
depositor |
String | Y | Depositor name | Default value: "Campari" |
asnNumber |
String | Y | Unique reference that identifies the order | Max lenght: 10 |
documentReference |
String | Y | Another reference that identifies an order. | |
asnType |
String | Y | Value that specifies the ASN type | Default Value: "StockTransferOrder" |
movementCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the asn type | Default Value: "STO" |
plannedReceptionDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Date and Time when the products are expected to arrive | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
supplierCode |
String | Y | Unique code that identifies the supplier | Max lenght: 10 |
supplierName |
String | Y | Name of the supplier | Max lenght: 35 |
header/additional (0..∞) |
key |
String | N | Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. | Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01" |
value |
String | N | Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key | |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
lineId |
Integer | Y | Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item | E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20" |
asnReferenceLine |
Integer | Y | Unique number for each different line | E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2" |
itemCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 18 |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Measure unit for quantity | Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles) |
quantityOrdered |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
baseUOM |
String | Y | Base unit of measure. | Example: "BOT" (bottles) |
quantityBaseUOM |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "baseUOM" |
stockNature |
String | Y | Status or Nature of the Product. | Default value: "AV" (available). |
manufactureDate |
Date | N | Manufacture date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
header/lineItem/lot (0..∞) |
lotNumber |
String | Y | Number of the lot | |
header/descriptions (0..∞) |
id |
String | Y | Description's identifier | |
description |
String | Y | It contains information about the document |
Response Example
3. ReturnOrder - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
site |
String | Y | Value that identifies the site where the products will arrive | Default value: "CP" |
depositor |
String | Y | Depositor name | Default value: "Campari" |
asnNumber |
String | Y | Unique reference that identifies the order | Max lenght: 10 |
documentReference |
String | Y | Another reference that identifies an order | |
asnType |
String | Y | Value that specifies the ASN type | Default Value: "ReturnOrder" |
movementCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the asn type | Default Value: "RO" |
plannedReceptionDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Date and Time when the products are expected to arrive | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
supplierCode |
String | Y | Unique code that identifies the supplier | Max lenght: 10 |
supplierName |
String | Y | Name of the supplier | Max lenght: 35 |
header/additional (0..∞) |
key |
String | N | Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. | Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01" |
value |
String | N | Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key | |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
lineId |
Integer | Y | Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item | E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20" |
asnReferenceLine |
Integer | Y | Unique number for each different line | E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2" |
itemCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 18 |
quantityOrdered |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Measure unit for quantity. | Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles) |
stockNature |
String | Y | Status or Nature of the Product. | Default value: "AV" (Available). |
manufactureDate |
Date | N | Manufacture date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
header/lineItem/lot (0..∞) |
lotNumber |
String | Y | Number of the lot | |
header/descriptions (0..∞) |
id |
String | Y | Description's identifier | |
description |
String | Y | It contains information about the document |
Response Example
4.SalesOrder - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
site |
String | Y | Value that identifies the site where the products will arrive | Default value: "CP" |
depositor |
String | Y | Depositor name | Default value: "Campari" |
asnNumber |
String | Y | Unique reference that identifies the order | Max lenght: 10 |
documentReference |
String | Y | Another reference that identifies an order | |
asnType |
String | Y | Value that specifies the ASN type | Default Value: "SalesOrder" |
movementCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the asn type | Default Value: "SO" |
shipToCustomerCity |
String | N | Customer City where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 40 |
shipToCustomerAddress |
String | N | Customer Address where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 60 |
shipToCustomerZipCode |
String | N | Customer Zip Code where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerHouseNumber |
String | N | Customer house number where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerCountryCode |
String | N | Customer Country Code where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 3 |
shipToCustomerCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the final customer which will receive the materials specified in the delivery order detail | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerName |
String | Y | Customer Name where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 40 |
plannedReceptionDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Date and Time when the products are expected to arrive | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
supplierCode |
String | Y | Unique code that identifies the supplier | Max lenght: 10 |
supplierName |
String | Y | Name of the supplier | Max lenght: 35 |
header/additional (0..∞) |
key |
String | N | Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. | Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01" |
value |
String | N | Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key | |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
lineId |
Integer | Y | Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item | E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20" |
asnReferenceLine |
Integer | Y | Unique number for each different line | E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2" |
itemCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 18 |
quantityOrdered |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Measure unit for quantity. | Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles) |
stockNature |
String | Y | Status or Nature of the Product. | Default value: "AV" (Available). |
manufactureDate |
Date | N | Manufacture date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
header/lineItem/lot (0..∞) |
lotNumber |
String | Y | Number of the lot | |
header/descriptions (0..∞) |
id |
String | Y | Description's identifier | |
description |
String | Y | It contains information about the document |
Response Example
5. SalesDelivery - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
site |
String | Y | Identifies the site from where the products will be requested | Default value: "CP" |
depositor |
String | Y | Depositor name | Default value: "Campari" |
doNumber |
String | Y | A unique reference that identifies a delivery order | Max lenght: 10 |
String | Y | Another identifier for a delivery order | Max lenght: 10 |
totalWeight |
String | Y | Total weight of delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
totalWeightUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for total weight | Max length: 3 |
totalVolume |
String | Y | Total volume of delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
totalVolumeUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for total volume | Max length: 3 |
orderCreationDate |
Date | Y | Date when DO has been issued | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
deliveryDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Date and time when DO is required to be shipped | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
deliveryTime |
Time | Y | Delivery Time | hh:mm:ss |
doType |
String | Y | Value that specifies the DO type | Default Value: "SalesDelivery" |
movementCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the DO type | Default Value: "SD" |
shipToCustomerCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the final customer which will receive the materials specified in the delivery order detail | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerName |
String | Y | Customer Name where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 40 |
customerExciseNumber |
String | Y | Customer Excise Number | |
customerIntrastatNumber |
String | N | Customer Intrastat Number | |
customerGroup |
String | N | Customer Group | |
incoterm |
String | Y | First Row of International Commercial Terms | |
incoterm2 |
String | Y | Second Row of International Commercial Terms | |
shipToCustomerState |
String | Y | Customer State where the Shipment will be delivered | |
shipToShippingCondition |
String | Y | Ship To Shipping Condition | |
customerPhoneNumber |
String | Y | Customer Phone Number | |
shipToCustomerAddress |
String | N | Customer Address where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 60 |
shipToCustomerCity |
String | N | Customer City where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 40 |
shipToCustomerZipCode |
String | N | Customer Zip Code where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerHouseNumber |
String | N | Customer house number where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerCountryCode |
String | N | Customer Country Code where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 3 |
shipToCustomerEmail |
String | N | Customer Email | |
shippingPoint |
String | N | Shipping Point code from which the goods are shipped | |
shipToCustomerGLN |
String | N | GLN Code of ship-to customer | |
shipToAttribute1 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 1 | |
shipToAttribute2 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 2 | |
shipToAttribute3 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 3 | |
shipToAttribute4 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 4 | |
shipToAttribute5 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 5 | |
shipToAttribute6 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 6 | |
shipToAttribute7 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 7 | |
shipToAttribute8 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 8 | |
soldToCustomerCode |
String | N | Sold-to customer code | |
soldToCustomerGLN |
String | N | GLN Code of sold-to customer | |
soldToCustomerName |
String | N | Sold-to customer name | |
soldToCustomerCity |
String | N | Sold-to customer city | |
soldToCustomerAddress |
String | N | Sold-to customer address | |
soldToCustomerAddress2 |
String | N | Sold-to customer address second filed | |
soldToCustomerAddress3 |
String | N | Sold-to customer address third field | |
soldToCustomerHouseNumber |
String | N | Sold-to customer house number | |
soldToCustomerZipCode |
String | N | Sold-to customer zip code | |
soldToCustomerCountryCode |
String | N | Sold-to customer country code | |
soldToCustomerEmail |
String | N | Sold-to customer email | |
soldToCustomerVATNumber |
String | N | Sold-to customer VAT number | |
requestedDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Requested date and time | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
agentName |
String | N | Agent Name | |
agentCode |
String | N | Agent Code | |
agentPhone |
String | N | Agent Phone | |
agentMail |
String | N | Agent Mail | |
entrytime |
Time | N | Delivery Creation Time | HH:MM:SS |
numberOfPackages |
String | N | Number of Packages | |
documentType |
String | N | Document Type | |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
orderLineNumber |
String | Y | Unique number for each different line | Max lenght: 6 |
itemCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 18 |
netPrice |
String | Y | Net Price | |
netPriceCurrency |
String | Y | Currency Value | |
hiLevItem |
String | Y | Higher-Level item (for packages), related to BOM | Max lenght: 6 |
hiLevItemBatch |
String | Y | Higher-Level item (for packages), related to batch | Max lenght: 6 |
plant |
String | Y | Plant of logistics operator. | Fixed value. This value can be agreed |
storageLocation |
String | Y | Location of the storage. | Example: "1001" |
quantity |
Integer | Y | Quantity requested for the corresponding line | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Measure unit for quantity | Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles) |
baseUOM |
String | Y | Base unit of measure. | Example: "BOT" (bottles) |
quantityBaseUOM |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "baseUOM" |
stockNature |
String | Y | Status or Nature of the Product. | Default value: "AV" (Available). |
itemWeight |
String | Y | Weight of item delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
itemWeightUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for item weight | Max lenght: 3 |
itemVolume |
String | Y | Volume of item delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
itemVolumeUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for item volume | Max lenght: 3 |
prevDoc |
String | Y | Previous document number | Max lenght: 10 |
prevDocItem |
String | Y | Previous document number item | Max lenght: 6 |
prevDocCustSONo |
String | Y | Customer Sales order number of previous document | |
prevDocCustSODate |
String | Y | Customer Sales order date of previous document | |
prevDocCustSORef |
String | Y | Customer Sales order reference of previous document | |
customerItemCode |
String | Y | Item code used by customer | Max length: 35 |
batch |
String | Y | Batch number | Max lenght: 10 |
EANCode |
String | Y | EAN Code (referenced to UoM in field unitOfMeasure) | |
prevDocCustSOItemNo |
String | N | Customer PO Item number | |
shipToCustomerGroup1 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 1 | |
shipToCustomerGroup2 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 2 | |
shipToCustomerGroup3 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 3 | |
shipToCustomerGroup4 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 4 | |
shipToCustomerGroup5 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 5 | |
deliveryPriority |
String | N | Delivery Priority | |
infoRecordText |
String | N | Info Record Text | |
header/lineItem/condition (0..∞) |
conditionType |
String | Y | Code of condition | |
statisticsCondition |
String | Y | Indicates if a condition is for statistical purpose | Possible value: "X" = statistical condition; blank = non-statistical condition |
conditionValue |
String | Y | Value of condition | |
currency |
String | Y | Currency | |
currencyISO |
String | Y | Currency in standard ISO | |
conditionPricingUnit |
String | Y | Pricing unit | |
conditionUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure | |
conditionUnitISO |
String | Y | Unit of measure in standard ISO | |
totalValue |
String | Y | Total value | |
header/descriptions (0..∞) |
id |
String | Y | Description's identifier | |
description |
String | Y | It contains information about the document |
Response Example
6. ReturnDelivery - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
site |
String | Y | Identifies the site from where the products will be requested | Default value: "CP" |
depositor |
String | Y | Depositor name | Default value: "Campari" |
doNumber |
String | Y | A unique reference that identifies a delivery order | Max lenght: 10 |
doId |
String | Y | Another identifier for a delivery order | Max lenght: 10 |
totalWeight |
String | Y | Total weight of delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
totalWeightUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for total weight | Max lenght: 3 |
totalVolume |
String | Y | Total volume of delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
totalVolumeUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for total volume | Max lenght: 3 |
orderCreationDate |
Date | Y | Date when DO has been issued | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
deliveryDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Date and time when DO is required to be shipped | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
doType |
String | Y | Value that specifies the DO type | Default Value: "ReturnDelivery" |
movementCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the do type | Default Value: "RD" |
shipToCustomerCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the final customer which will receive the materials specified in the delivery order detail | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerName |
String | Y | Customer Name where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 40 |
shipToCustomerAddress |
String | N | Customer Address where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 60 |
shipToCustomerCity |
String | N | Customer City where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 40 |
shipToCustomerZipCode |
String | N | Customer Zip Code where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerCountryCode |
String | N | Customer Country Code where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 3 |
requestedDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Requested date and time | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
orderLineNumber |
String | Y | Unique number for each different line | Max lenght: 6 |
itemCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 18 |
hiLevItem |
String | Y | Higher-Level item (for packages), related to BOM | Max lenght: 6 |
hiLevItemBatch |
String | Y | Higher-Level item (for packages), related to batch | Max lenght: 6 |
plant |
String | Y | Plant of logistics operator. | Fixed value. This value can be agreed |
storageLocation |
String | Y | Location of the storage. | Example: "1001" |
quantity |
Integer | Y | Quantity requested for the corresponding line | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
baseUOM |
String | Y | Base unit of measure. | Example: "BOT" (bottles) |
quantityBaseUOM |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "baseUOM" |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Measure unit for quantity in delivery order. | Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles) |
stockNature |
String | Y | Status or Nature of the Product. | Default value: "AV" (Available). |
itemWeight |
String | Y | Weight of item delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
itemWeightUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for item weight | Max lenght: 3 |
itemVolume |
String | Y | Volume of item delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
itemVolumeUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for item volume | Max lenght: 3 |
prevDoc |
String | Y | Previous document number | Max lenght: 10 |
prevDocItem |
String | Y | Previous document number item | Max lenght: 6 |
prevDocCustSONo |
String | Y | Customer Sales order number of previous document | |
prevDocCustSODate |
String | Y | Customer Sales order date of previous document | |
prevDocCustSORef |
String | Y | Customer Sales order reference of previous document | |
customerItemCode |
String | Y | Item code used by customer | Max length: 35 |
batch |
String | Y | Batch number | Max lenght: 10 |
header/lineItem/condition (0..∞) |
conditionType |
String | Y | Code of condition | |
statisticsCondition |
String | Y | Indicates if a condition is for statistical purpose | Possible value: "X" = statistical condition; blank = non-statistical condition |
conditionValue |
String | Y | Value of condition | |
currency |
String | Y | Currency | |
currencyISO |
String | Y | Currency in standard ISO | |
conditionPricingUnit |
String | Y | Pricing unit | |
conditionUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure | |
conditionUnitISO |
String | Y | Unit of measure in standard ISO | |
totalValue |
String | Y | Total value | |
header/descriptions (0..∞) |
id |
String | Y | Description's identifier | |
description |
String | Y | It contains information about the document |
Response Example
7. TransferPosting - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
documentNumber |
String | Y | Number of material document | Max lenght: 10 |
documentYear |
String | Y | Document year | Max lenght: 4 |
documentDate |
Date | Y | Document date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
postingDate |
Date | Y | Posting date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
creationDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Date and time when the document is created | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
documentReference |
String | N | Additional reference used, e.g., to keep trace of the PO number. | Max lenght: 25 |
movementDescription |
String | Y | Description of the movement. | Possible values: “Nationalization” or “PromotionalProduct” |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
lineId |
Integer | Y | Unique number for each different line | E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2" |
itemCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the item | Max lenght: 18 |
itemCodeNew |
String | N | New code that identifies the item | Max lenght: 18 |
quantity |
Integer | Y | Quantity in unit of entry | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Measure unit for quantity | Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles) |
stockNature |
String | N | Status or Nature of the Product. | Possible values are: blank or “F” for unrestricted, “2” or “X” for quality inspection, "3” or “S” for blocked |
storageLocationFrom |
String | Y | Storage location | Max lenght: 4 |
storageLocationTo |
String | N | Receiving storage location | Max lenght: 4 |
plantFrom |
String | Y | Plant | Max lenght: 4 |
plantTo |
String | N | New plant | Max lenght: 4 |
batch |
String | Y | Batch number | Max lenght: 10 |
newBatch |
String | N | New batch number that replaces the original one | Max lenght: 10 |
goodsRecipients |
String | N | Value that indicates who receive the delivered goods | Max lenght: 12 |
manufactureDate |
Date | N | Date of manufacture | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
expirationDate |
Date | N | Shelf Life Expiration or Best-Before Date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
header/descriptions (0..∞) |
id |
String | Y | Description's identifier | |
description |
String | Y | It contains information about the document |
Response Example
8. Factura - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
documentNumber |
String | Y | Factura’s ERP Identifier | Max lenght: 10 |
header/document (1..∞) |
fileName |
String | Y | File’s name | |
fileExtension |
String | Y | File’s extention | Possible values; "XML" or "PDF" |
fileContent |
String | Y | File’s content encoded in base64 |
Response Example
9. Boleta - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
documentNumber |
String | Y | Boleta’s ERP Identifier | Max lenght: 10 |
header/document (1..∞) |
fileName |
String | Y | File’s name | |
fileExtension |
String | Y | File’s extention | Possible values; "XML" or "PDF" |
fileContent |
String | Y | File’s content encoded in base64 |
Response Example
10. StockTransferOrderOut - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
site |
String | Y | Value that identifies the site where the products will arrive | Default value: "CP" |
depositor |
String | Y | Depositor name | Default value: "Campari" |
asnNumber |
String | Y | Unique reference that identifies the order | Max lenght: 10 |
documentReference |
String | Y | Another reference that identifies an order. | |
asnType |
String | Y | Value that specifies the ASN type | Default Value: "StockTransferOrderOut" |
movementCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the asn type | Default Value: "STO" |
plannedReceptionDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Date and Time when the products are expected to arrive | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
supplierCode |
String | Y | Unique code that identifies the supplier | Max lenght: 10 |
supplierName |
String | Y | Name of the supplier | Max lenght: 35 |
header/additional (0..∞) |
key |
String | N | Represents the name of the additional information to be sent. This value can be agreed. | Example "reference01", "reference02" or "comment01" |
value |
String | N | Represents the value of the additional information related to the specific key | |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
lineId |
Integer | Y | Identifier of the line item. This field must be unique for each item | E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20" |
asnReferenceLine |
Integer | Y | Unique number for each different line | E.g. First Line "1", Second Line "2" |
itemCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 18 |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Measure unit for quantity | Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles) |
quantityOrdered |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
baseUOM |
String | Y | Base unit of measure. | Example: "BOT" (bottles) |
quantityBaseUOM |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "baseUOM" |
stockNature |
String | Y | Status or Nature of the Product. | Default value: "AV" (available). |
manufactureDate |
Date | N | Manufacture date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
header/lineItem/lot (0..∞) |
lotNumber |
String | Y | Number of the lot | |
header/descriptions (0..∞) |
id |
String | Y | Description's identifier | |
description |
String | Y | It contains information about the document |
Response Example
11. MaterialMaster - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
materialCode |
String | N | materialCode |
materialType |
String | N | Material Type |
industrySector |
String | N | Industry Sector |
batchManagement |
String | N | Batch Management |
crossPlantMatStatus |
String | N | Cross Plant Material Status |
deletionFlag |
String | N | Material set to be deleted |
materialClass |
String | N | Material Classification |
materialGroup |
String | N | Material Group |
materialGroupDescription |
String | N | Material Group Description |
classType |
String | N | Class Type |
objectTable |
String | N | Object Table |
prodHierarchy |
String | N | Product Hierarchy |
baseUnitOfMeasure |
String | N | Base Unit Of Measure |
orderUnit |
String | N | Order Unit |
unitOfWeight |
String | N | Unit of Weight |
netWeight |
Num | Y | Net Weight |
oldMaterialCode |
String | N | Old Material Code |
promo |
String | N | Promo |
purValKey |
String | N | Purchasing Value Key |
division |
String | N | Division |
varOrdUn |
String | N | Var. Oun. |
qualityMgmtProc |
String | N | Quality Management Procurement Active |
minRemLife |
Num | Y | Minimum Remanent Shelf Life |
shelfLife |
Num | Y | Total Shelf Life |
batchRecReq |
String | N | Batch Rec. Req. |
salStatus |
String | N | X-Distribution Chain Status |
validityDate |
String | N | X-Distribution Chain Valid From |
periodIndExpirationDate |
String | N | Period Ind. for SLED |
lang |
String | N | Lang |
plantData (0..1;) |
plant |
String | N | Plant code |
abcId |
String | N | ABC Indicator |
purGroup |
String | N | Purchasing Group |
issueUnit |
String | N | Unit of Issue |
mrpType |
String | N | MRP Type |
mrpController |
String | N | MRP Controller |
plannedDelivery |
Num | Y | Planned Delivery Time |
grProcessingTime |
Num | Y | GR Processing Time |
periodInd |
String | N | Period Indicator |
lotSizeKey |
String | N | Lot Sizing Procedure |
procType |
String | N | Procurement Type |
spProcType |
String | N | Special Procurement Type |
reorderPoint |
Num | Y | Reorder Point |
safetyStk |
Num | Y | Safety Stock |
minLotSize |
Num | Y | Minimum Lot Size |
maxLotSize |
Num | Y | Maximum Lot Size |
fixedLot |
Num | Y | Fixed Lot Size |
roundVal |
Num | Y | Rounding Value |
individualColl |
String | N | Individual/Coll |
discontinuInd |
String | N | Discontinue Ind. |
grpRequirements |
String | N | Requirements Group |
mixedMrp |
String | N | Mixed MRP |
schedMarginKey |
String | N | Sched Margin Key |
backflush |
String | N | Backflush |
productionScheduler |
String | N | Production Supervisor |
inHouseProd |
Num | Y | In-House Production |
stagePdUn |
String | N | Time Unit |
unlimited |
String | N | Unlimited |
ctrlKey |
String | N | QM Control Key |
availCheck |
String | N | Availability Check |
autoPO |
String | N | Autom. PO. |
sourceList |
String | N | Source List |
countryOrig |
String | N | Country of Origin |
regionOrig |
String | N | Region of Origin |
expImpGrp |
String | N | Intrastat Group |
planningCal |
String | N | Planning Calendar |
planningTimeFnce |
String | N | Planning Time Fence |
consumeMode |
String | N | Consumption Mode |
bwdConsume |
String | N | Bwd Consumption |
fwdConsume |
String | N | Fwd Consumption |
specProcTy |
String | N | Special Procurement Costing |
prodUnit |
String | N | Production Unit |
prodStoreLoc |
String | N | Production Store Location |
mrpGroup |
String | N | MRP Group |
certType |
String | N | Certificate Type |
covProfile |
String | N | Coverage Profile |
ccPhysInvInd |
String | N | CC Phys. Inv. Ind. |
varianceKey |
String | N | Variance Key |
targetQualityMgmtSys |
String | N | Target QM System |
strategyGroup |
String | N | Strategy Group |
storageLocExprc |
String | N | Storage Location for EP |
purStatus |
String | N | Plant-Special Material Status |
prodProf |
String | N | Production Scheduler Profile |
safetyTimeInd |
String | N | Safety Time Indicator |
safetyTime |
String | N | Safety Time/act.cov. |
materialFreightGrp |
String | N | Material Freight Group |
prodComNo |
String | N | PRODCOM no. |
ctrlCode |
String | N | Control Code |
pushDistrib |
String | N | Push Distribution |
minSafetyStk |
Num | Y | Minimum Safety Stock |
noCosting |
String | N | Do Not Cost |
loadingGroup |
String | N | Loading Group |
salesData (0..1;) |
salesUnit |
String | N | Sales Unit |
salStatus |
String | N | Distribution Chain-Special Status |
validityDate |
String | N | Validity Date |
deliveringPlant |
String | N | Delivering Plant |
cashDiscount |
String | N | Cash Discount |
varSalesUnit |
String | N | Sales Unit not Variable |
minOrderQty |
Num | Y | Minimum Order Quantity |
minDelivery |
Num | Y | Minimum Delivery Quantity |
matlStatistics |
String | N | Material Statistics Group |
rebateGroup |
String | N | Volume Rebate Group |
pricingRefMaterial |
String | N | Pricing Reference Material |
commissionGroup |
String | N | CommissionGroup |
matPricingGroup |
String | N | Material Pricing Group |
acctAssignment |
String | N | Acct Assignment Group |
itemCategory |
String | N | Item Category Group |
matlGroup_1 |
String | N | Material Group 1 |
matlGroup_2 |
String | N | Material Group 2 |
matlGroup_3 |
String | N | Material Group 3 |
matlGroup_4 |
String | N | Material Group 4 |
matlGroup_5 |
String | N | Material Group 5 |
productAttribute_1 |
String | N | Material for EDI |
productAttribute_2 |
String | N | Export Material |
productAttribute_10 |
String | N | Product Attribute 10 |
valuationData (0..1;) |
priceControl |
String | N | Price Control |
movingPrice |
Num | Y | Moving Price |
stdPrice |
Num | Y | Standard Price |
priceUnit |
Num | Y | Price Unit |
valClass |
String | N | Valuation Class |
valCategory |
String | N | Valuation Category |
plndPrice1 |
Num | Y | Planned Price 1 |
plndPrice2 |
Num | Y | Planned Price 2 |
plndPrice3 |
Num | Y | Planned Price 3 |
plndPriceDate1 |
String | N | Planned Price Date 1 |
plndPriceDate2 |
String | N | Planned Price Date 2 |
plndPriceDate3 |
String | N | Planned Price Date 3 |
lifoFifo |
String | N | LIFO/FIFO Relevant |
origGroup |
String | N | Origin Group |
overheadGroup |
String | N | Overhead Group |
qtyStruct |
String | N | With Qty Structure |
mlActive |
String | N | ML Active |
mlSettle |
String | N | Price Determination |
matOrigin |
String | N | Material Origin |
customFields (0..1;) |
targetStock |
String | N | Target Stock (for BAPI_TE_MARC) |
productionModel |
String | N | Production Model (for BAPI_TE_MARC) |
groupCategory |
String | N | Group Category (for BAPI_TE_MARC) |
prodCompType |
String | N | Compound Product |
commodityCode |
String | N | Commodity Code |
wineColourChar |
String | N | Wine Colour |
vignette |
String | N | Vignette Definition |
unitOfMeasure (0..∞) |
alternativeUOM |
String | N | Alternative Unit Of Measure |
numerator |
Num | Y | Numerator Value |
denominator |
Num | Y | Denominator Value |
EANcode |
String | N | EAN Code |
EANcategory |
String | N | EAN Category |
length |
Num | Y | Length Value |
height |
Num | Y | Height Value |
width |
Num | Y | Width Value |
volume |
Num | Y | Volume Value |
unitOfWeight |
String | N | Unit of Weight |
grossWeight |
Num | Y | Gross Weight |
unitDimension |
String | N | Unit of Dimension |
volumeUnit |
String | N | Unit of Volume |
characteristics |
accessory |
String | N | accessory |
advTypeMaterial |
String | N | advTypeMaterial |
aged |
String | N | aged |
aging |
String | N | aging |
alcoholDegree |
Num | Y | alcoholDegree |
alcoholOrigin |
String | N | alcoholOrigin |
appellation |
String | N | appellation |
application |
String | N | application |
assembly |
String | N | assembly |
auxPackType |
String | N | auxPackType |
baritemsequipType |
String | N | baritemsequipType |
bottledInBond |
String | N | bottledInBond |
brand |
String | N | brand |
bx |
String | N | bx |
cansShape |
String | N | cansShape |
capacity |
Num | Y | capacity |
cartonType |
String | N | cartonType |
cerealType |
String | N | cerealType |
classDestination |
String | N | classDestination |
closuresDimension |
String | N | closuresDimension |
closuresType |
String | N | closuresType |
clothingType |
String | N | clothingType |
clusterType |
String | N | clusterType |
containerColour |
String | N | containerColour |
containerType |
String | N | containerType |
countryDestination |
String | N | countryDestination |
dangerousGoods |
String | N | dangerousGoods |
decoration |
String | N | decoration |
decorationType |
String | N | decorationType |
distilledType |
String | N | distilledType |
encrypt |
String | N | encrypt |
finish |
String | N | finish |
fiscalstampType |
String | N | fiscalstampType |
fiscalStrip |
String | N | fiscalStrip |
formulation |
String | N | formulation |
formulaId |
String | N | formulaId |
fruit |
String | N | fruit |
functionAdditives |
String | N | functionAdditives |
functionAgro |
String | N | functionAgro |
gadgetgivawayType |
String | N | gadgetgivawayType |
grapeType |
String | N | grapeType |
labelsPackage |
String | N | labelsPackage |
labelType |
String | N | labelType |
language |
String | N | language |
lenghtUnitOfMeasure |
String | N | lenghtUnitOfMeasure |
naturaAlcool |
String | N | naturaAlcool |
originAppellation |
String | N | originAppellation |
otherPackagingType |
String | N | otherPackagingType |
otherType |
String | N | otherType |
overcapsType |
String | N | overcapsType |
owner |
String | N | owner |
packaging |
String | N | packaging |
packagingAdditiAgri |
String | N | packagingAdditiAgri |
packagingNatureType |
String | N | packagingNatureType |
packmaterialsType |
String | N | packmaterialsType |
palletDimension |
String | N | palletDimension |
palletType |
String | N | palletType |
petContainerColour |
String | N | petContainerColour |
phasein |
String | N | phasein |
phaseoutDate |
Int | Y | phaseoutDate |
phaseoutId |
String | N | phaseoutId |
plantsType |
String | N | plantsType |
printliteratuType |
String | N | printliteratuType |
process |
String | N | process |
processAuxType |
String | N | processAuxType |
product |
String | N | product |
productionMethod |
String | N | productionMethod |
productionPlant |
String | N | productionPlant |
productionVersion |
String | N | productionVersion |
productAllocation |
String | N | productAllocation |
productDestination |
String | N | productDestination |
projectType |
String | N | projectType |
promokitType |
String | N | promokitType |
proof |
Num | Y | proof |
shapeFormat |
String | N | shapeFormat |
source |
String | N | source |
specialpackType |
String | N | specialpackType |
specificGravity |
Num | Y | specificGravity |
state |
String | N | state |
subUnitsPerSku |
Int | Y | subUnitsPerSku |
sugarOrigin |
String | N | sugarOrigin |
sugarPackaging |
String | N | sugarPackaging |
toBeDepleted |
String | N | toBeDepleted |
typeInfusionEstract |
String | N | typeInfusionEstract |
typeMustWines |
String | N | typeMustWines |
typeProductionScrap |
String | N | typeProductionScrap |
unitsPerSku |
String | N | unitsPerSku |
unitOfMeasure |
String | N | unitOfMeasure |
vintage |
String | N | vintage |
volumUnitOfMeasure |
String | N | volumUnitOfMeasure |
weightUnitOfMeasure |
String | N | weightUnitOfMeasure |
wineColour |
String | N | wineColour |
wip |
String | N | wip |
year |
String | N | year |
yearGraficReference |
String | N | yearGraficReference |
materialLongText(0..∞) |
textLine |
String | N | Textline of a description, english only |
materialDescription (0..∞) |
language |
String | N | Language |
materialDescription |
String | N | Material Description Text |
Response Examples
12. BillOfMaterial - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
quantityBaseUOM |
Decimal | Y | Base quantity | Value reported in "baseUOM" |
baseUOM |
String | Y | Base Unit of Measure for BOM | Example: "BOT" (bottles) |
bomStatus |
String | Y | Bill of Material Status | |
alternativeText |
String | Y | Alternative BOM Text | |
deletionIndicator |
String | Y | Deletion flag for BOMs | |
bomText |
String | Y | BOM Description | |
bomGroup |
String | Y | BOM group | |
bomNumber |
String | Y | Bill of Material | |
validTo |
Date | Y | Valid to date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
chgNumberTo |
String | Y | Change Number To | |
createdOn |
Date | Y | Creation date of the record | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
createdBy |
String | Y | User who created record | |
changedOn |
Date | Y | Change date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
changedBy |
String | Y | Name of person who changed object | |
validFrom |
Date | Y | Valid-From Date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
chgNumber |
String | Y | Change Number | |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
itemCategory |
String | Y | Item category (bill of material) | |
lineId |
Integer | Y | BOM Item Number | E.g. First Line "10", Second Line "20" |
itemCode |
String | Y | BOM component | |
quantity |
String | Y | Component quantity | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Component Unit of Measure | Example: "NR" (numbers), "L" (liters) |
fixedQuantity |
Decimal | Y | Fixed Quantity | |
itemText1 |
String | Y | BOM Item Text (Line 1) | |
itemText2 |
String | Y | BOM Item Text (Line 2) | |
sortString |
String | Y | Sort String | |
relProd |
String | Y | Indicator: item relevant to production | |
sparePart |
String | Y | Indicator: Spare Part | |
bulkMat |
String | Y | Indicator: bulk material | |
compScrap |
String | Y | Component scrap in percent | |
opScrap |
String | Y | Operation scrap | |
spProcType |
String | Y | Special Procurement Type for BOM Item | |
supplyArea |
String | Y | Production Supply Area | |
issueLoc |
String | Y | Issue Location for Production Order | |
leadTime |
String | Y | Follow-up time | |
coProduct |
String | Y | Indicator: co-product | |
disconGrp |
String | Y | Discontinuation group | |
followGrp |
String | Y | Follow-up group | |
validFrom |
Date | Y | Valid-From Date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
changeNumber |
String | Y | Change Number | |
bomNumber |
String | Y | Bill of Material | |
itemNode |
String | Y | BOM item node number | |
itemCount |
String | Y | Internal counter | |
validTo |
Date | Y | Valid to date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
chgNumberTo |
String | Y | Change Number To | |
createdOn |
Date | Y | Creation date of the record | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
createdBy |
String | Y | User who created record | |
changedOn |
Date | Y | Change date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
changedBy |
String | Y | Name of person who changed object | |
bomAlternative |
String | Y | Alternative BOM | |
deletionIndicator |
String | Y | Deletion Indicator | |
segmentRelevant |
String | Y | Segmentation Maintained for BOM Components |
Response Example
13. IncomingDelivery - Response Structure
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description | Technical Details |
header |
site |
String | Y | Identifies the site from where the products will be requested | Default value: "CP" |
depositor |
String | Y | Depositor name | Default value: "Campari" |
doNumber |
String | Y | A unique reference that identifies a delivery order | Max lenght: 10 |
String | Y | Another identifier for a delivery order | Max lenght: 10 |
totalWeight |
String | Y | Total weight of delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
totalWeightUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for total weight | Max length: 3 |
totalVolume |
String | Y | Total volume of delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
totalVolumeUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for total volume | Max length: 3 |
orderCreationDate |
Date | Y | Date when DO has been issued | Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
deliveryDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Date and time when DO is required to be shipped | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
doType |
String | Y | Value that specifies the DO type | Default Value: "IncomingDelivery" |
movementCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the DO type | Default Value: "SD" |
shipToCustomerCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies the final customer which will receive the materials specified in the delivery order detail | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerName |
String | Y | Customer Name where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 40 |
shipToCustomerState |
String | Y | Customer State where the Shipment will be delivered | |
shipToShippingCondition |
String | Y | Ship To Shipping Condition | |
customerPhoneNumber |
String | Y | Customer Phone Number | |
shipToCustomerAddress |
String | N | Customer Address where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 60 |
shipToCustomerCity |
String | N | Customer City where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 40 |
shipToCustomerZipCode |
String | N | Customer Zip Code where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerHouseNumber |
String | N | Customer house number where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 10 |
shipToCustomerCountryCode |
String | N | Customer Country Code where the Shipment will be delivered | Max lenght: 3 |
shippingPoint |
String | N | Shipping Point code from which the goods are shipped | |
shipToCustomerGLN |
String | N | GLN Code of ship-to customer | |
shipToAttribute1 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 1 | |
shipToAttribute2 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 2 | |
shipToAttribute3 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 3 | |
shipToAttribute4 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 4 | |
shipToAttribute5 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 5 | |
shipToAttribute6 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 6 | |
shipToAttribute7 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 7 | |
shipToAttribute8 |
String | N | Ship-to attribute 8 | |
soldToCustomerCode |
String | N | Sold-to customer code | |
soldToCustomerGLN |
String | N | GLN Code of sold-to customer | |
soldToCustomerName |
String | N | Sold-to customer name | |
soldToCustomerCity |
String | N | Sold-to customer city | |
soldToCustomerAddress |
String | N | Sold-to customer address | |
soldToCustomerAddress2 |
String | N | Sold-to customer address second filed | |
soldToCustomerAddress3 |
String | N | Sold-to customer address third field | |
soldToCustomerHouseNumber |
String | N | Sold-to customer house number | |
soldToCustomerZipCode |
String | N | Sold-to customer zip code | |
soldToCustomerCountryCode |
String | N | Sold-to customer country code | |
soldToCustomerVATNumber |
String | N | Sold-to customer VAT number | |
requestedDateTime |
DateTime | Y | Requested date and time | Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
header/lineItem (1..∞) |
orderLineNumber |
String | Y | Unique number for each different line | Max lenght: 6 |
itemCode |
String | Y | Code that identifies an item | Max lenght: 18 |
netPrice |
String | Y | Net Price | |
netPriceCurrency |
String | Y | Currency Value | |
hiLevItem |
String | Y | Higher-Level item (for packages), related to BOM | Max lenght: 6 |
hiLevItemBatch |
String | Y | Higher-Level item (for packages), related to batch | Max lenght: 6 |
plant |
String | Y | Plant of logistics operator. | Fixed value. This value can be agreed |
storageLocation |
String | Y | Location of the storage. | Example: "1001" |
quantity |
Integer | Y | Quantity requested for the corresponding line | Value reported in "unitOfMeasure" |
unitOfMeasure |
String | Y | Measure unit for quantity | Possible values: "CS" (cases) or "BOT" (bottles) |
baseUOM |
String | Y | Base unit of measure. | Example: "BOT" (bottles) |
quantityBaseUOM |
Integer | Y | Quantity in piece that will be received for the corresponding line | Value reported in "baseUOM" |
stockNature |
String | Y | Status or Nature of the Product. | Default value: "AV" (Available). |
itemWeight |
String | Y | Weight of item delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
itemWeightUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for item weight | Max lenght: 3 |
itemVolume |
String | Y | Volume of item delivery | Max total digits: 15. Max fractional digits: 3 |
itemVolumeUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure for item volume | Max lenght: 3 |
prevDoc |
String | Y | Previous document number | Max lenght: 10 |
prevDocItem |
String | Y | Previous document number item | Max lenght: 6 |
prevDocCustSONo |
String | Y | Customer Sales order number of previous document | |
prevDocCustSODate |
String | Y | Customer Sales order date of previous document | |
prevDocCustSORef |
String | Y | Customer Sales order reference of previous document | |
customerItemCode |
String | Y | Item code used by customer | Max length: 35 |
batch |
String | Y | Batch number | Max lenght: 10 |
EANCode |
String | Y | EAN Code (referenced to UoM in field unitOfMeasure) | |
prevDocCustSOItemNo |
String | N | Customer PO Item number | |
shipToCustomerGroup1 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 1 | |
shipToCustomerGroup2 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 2 | |
shipToCustomerGroup3 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 3 | |
shipToCustomerGroup4 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 4 | |
shipToCustomerGroup5 |
String | N | Ship-to customer group 5 | |
header/lineItem/condition (0..∞) |
conditionType |
String | Y | Code of condition | |
statisticsCondition |
String | Y | Indicates if a condition is for statistical purpose | Possible value: "X" = statistical condition; blank = non-statistical condition |
conditionValue |
String | Y | Value of condition | |
currency |
String | Y | Currency | |
currencyISO |
String | Y | Currency in standard ISO | |
conditionPricingUnit |
String | Y | Pricing unit | |
conditionUnit |
String | Y | Unit of measure | |
conditionUnitISO |
String | Y | Unit of measure in standard ISO | |
totalValue |
String | Y | Total value | |
header/descriptions (0..∞) |
id |
String | Y | Description's identifier | |
description |
String | Y | It contains information about the document |
Response Example
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