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Processing confirmations

This api is consumed by a logistics operator that needs to notify to Campari the result in processing documents. As a function of the processing status, the results of this API will be to add again (or to remove) a particular document to (or from) the pending document list. #### Request URI

#### Request Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
documentId String Y Document number Max lenght: 10
businessId String Y Business key of the transaction Max lenght: 10
flow String Y Name of the business flow. Possible values: one of the 8 document types you can find in Retrieve documents API, "GoodReceiptConfirmation", "PickingConfirmation"
correlationId String Y Transactional identification for a specific flow. The value should be shared across all documents of a specific transaction.
code String Y Processing Status Code Possibile value: “00“ for Success, “01“ for Error. The document with status code “01“ will be added again to the pending document list. If there is the need to remove a document from this list the success code “00“ can be used.
message String N Message that the user want to notify to Campari E.g.: If user received an error, the error message can be sent in this field.
companyType String Y Receiver operator typology. It is a value that represents the company. Therefore, it can be agreed. Default value for third party logistic operators: "3PL"
transactionCompany String Y Logistic Operator plant
transactionId String Y Identifier of the transaction. This has to be different on every transaction.
#### Request Example

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