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Retrieve documents

Logistic operators will use this API in order to retrieve documents id outbound from Campari. More precisely, this API provides the following document types: 1. PurchaseOrder 2. StockTransferOrder 3. ReturnOrder 4. SalesOrder 5. SalesDelivery 6. ReturnDelivery 7. TransferPosting 8. Factura 9. Boleta 10. StockTransferOrderOut 11. MaterialMaster 12. BillOfMaterial At each call, this API sends the list of all the pending documents posted by Campari ERP system. In order to get the full details of the documents, you should run in sequence the following APIs: 1. **Retrieve documents** to get the list of new pending documents; 2. **Retrieve documents by id** for each document found in the previous step. Once a document is retrieved, it is removed from the pending list; 3. **Processing confirmations** should be called to report any error (with “flow” field equal to document type such as SalesDelivery) when processing a document. In this case the corresponding document will be added again to the pending document list and will be retrieved in the next Retrieve Documents API call. #### Request URI
Query Parameter Type Mandatory Description
logisticOperator String Y Name of Logistic Operator
documentType String N Type of document
#### Response Structure
Field Type Mandatory Description Technical Details
id String Y Document unique identifier
creationDateTime DateTime Y Document creation date and time Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
#### Response Examples If _documentType_ parameter is not specified, the API returns each id grouped by document type: Otherwise the API returns all id depending on the document type specified, e.g. documentType=“PurchaseOrder”:

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